Chiropractic care for ADD or for what presents as ADD.
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
It may look like ADD, overwhelm, depression, anxiety, food sensitivities or trouble with digestion. We check on a potential misdiagnosis of ADD by looking closely at the cranial nerve and the vagus nerve.
Both of our doctors here at Hutsell Chiropractic feel it’s important to check on cranial nerve and vagus nerve at each chiropractic adjustment and reset them if needed. Dr. Jordan Hutsell goes into depth during this video about how each of them look for a struggling child.
Dr. Jordan Hutsell talks about ADD, cranial nerves, and the vagus nerve in this video.
Is Chiropractic Care Effective on Kids?
Yes, we often see patients who have recovered from temporary issues or are successfully managing the symptoms of long-term conditions. Many parents notice significant improvements in their child’s health following chiropractic adjustments.
Chiropractic care can provide many positive effects for kids. Even if your child does not have a particular diagnosed condition, visiting a skilled chiropractor is part of a healthy lifestyle that promotes regular development and well-being.
Benefits include, but aren’t limited to:
- Proper nervous system function,
- Stronger immune system,
- Effective recovery from an injury,
- Better athletic performance,
- More mobility in the joints or spine,
- Increased ability to concentrate,
- Improved sleep quality,
- Correcting or preventing poor posture
- Decreased neck and back pain
- Relief from headaches.
Chiropractic adjustments for young patients focus mainly on increasing the function of the nervous system. This network in the human body is crucial to brain and nerve development, behavior, the immune system, and so much more.
You might want to ask why an infant would ever get adjusted by a chiropractor. Among many other health benefits, chiropractic adjustments for babies can help relieve feeding problems, sleep disturbances, ear infections, colic, and increase the comfort of an infant. Chiropractic care in babies also keeps babies healthier because their nervous system and immune system are supported.
Older patients can get relief from headaches, scoliosis, spinal misalignment, asthma, growing pains, constipation, urinary incontinence, and digestive issues. Improvement can be seen for chronic problems, such as ear infection, cold, flu, and sore throat, and immune system response issues. It has also been beneficial for young people who have been in an accident, experienced a trauma, or sports injuries. Plus, families are increasingly seeking out chiropractors to help young patients with delayed speech, autism and ADHD.
Not sure of your next step with your child? Call today to set up an appointment for your child to have chiropractic care as well as have their cranial nerves and vagus nerve checked. Contact Us!